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F1B Mini Goldendoodle
22 pounds
Kenzie has a calm temperament and prefers less stimulating environments. She spends her time sunbathing, playing with rope toys, and playing chase. She is extremely patient with kids and loves to give kisses.
F1B mini goldendoodle
20 pounds
Chief is a petite cuddly boy. He is great with kids and loves to play hide and seek. He loves belly rubs and produces beautiful puppies with amazing temperaments.
Kenzie had 3 males and 3 female mini goldendoodles born on November 27. They will go home January 22-29. Puppy picking will begin the week of January 8 and we will meet with families in the order deposits were placed on this litter. We estimate these pups to mature to around 25 pounds full grown. To learn more about how this works, you can check out Our Process, here. To see current photos and videos of the pups, check out our social media pages, here!
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