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Affordable Vet Resources: Spay/Neuter, Vaccination, Microchipping and more

Writer's picture: Elise KeropianElise Keropian

Updated: Feb 15

Affordable Microchipping and Vaccination Options:

If you live in Cherokee County, the animal shelter offers free microchipping for residents. Click here to learn more. If you live outside of this county, you can check what resources your county offers by calling the Cherokee County Humane Society, or most vets will implant a microchip for $15-$20 at the time of spaying/neutering.

Because microchips can only be read with a special reader, they aren't very helpful in locating a lost puppy, unless a vet or shelter picks them up. I think the best way to keep your pup safe, is by using AirTags (linked here) on their collar because then you can see where they are even as they are moving on your phone. I love waterproof holders for their collars, like these.

It is necessary to establish care with a local veterinarian to establish care and get heartworm prevention medication prescribed, but you can choose a more affordable vet who doesn't charge exam fees for vaccination visits and ala carte services at places like Pet Shots Express. If you want an even more affordable option for heartworm prevention, you can order the active ingredient in Heartguard (0.1% Ivermectin for dogs), by clicking here and following their dosage instructions given orally every month, here.

If you're looking to save money on grooming yourself or extending the time between grooms, check out our blog about grooming, here!

When should you Spay/Neuter your pup?

Most people Spay/Neuter their puppy when they are between 6-8 months of age, and all of our puppies must be fixed before their first birthday, per our puppy agreement.

Female puppies can start having heat cycles after they turn 6 months old. This entails bleeding in your house and most people get disposable or reusable diapers for them to protect their furniture. You also need to be careful if your female dog is under a year old and is around unfixed males, as they can get pregnant and you don't want to be in that situation. The vet can potentially spay and abort an unwanted pregnancy early on, but abstinence or spaying your puppy younger is the best way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Every heat cycle your female dog goes through so that they do not get pregnant increases their chance of cervical cancer and a potentially life-threatening infection called pyometra. Although spaying is a surgery, but it is necessary to preserve their health.

Male dogs can start undesirable habits like humping toys, people, etc. or marking (peeing on places and things) to mark their territory. If your dog starts doing these things, I'd schedule them to get the snip before they become a habit that could continue after they get fixed. Neutering can also help a dog calm down.

Affordable Spay/Neuter Programs in Georgia:



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